
My books, novels, novellas, short stories, release updates and general information about my work.


Sharing the Timeless Series with your friends is the best advertisement I could ever get. First of all if you saw an ad for the series would you run out an buy it? Maybe… But if your best friend, neighbor, co-worker talked non-stop about a book series, you’d be like “What? Tell me more…where can …

Sharing… Read More »

So what’s in a name?

It’s funny, now that I look back on the creation of The Timeless Series. So many things literally just fell into place–seriously! Like the names for instance. I did

How do you say that??

  I have unique names in the Timeless Series, unique like me…okay, unusual, odd like me is more like it. I typically get asked how I came up with the names, which my reply is: “I’m dyslexic, it was easy. I already have a language of my own anyway.” lol

Daylight’s Release- May 20, 2013

It’s official now… Daylight’s release date is May 20, 2013!!!!   if (WIDGETBOX) WIDGETBOX.renderWidget(’04fea3a4-fb75-4160-9dbf-ad20d2d6e92e’); Get the Countdown Creator Pro widget and many other great free widgets at Widgetbox! Not seeing a widget? (More info)

And the moment you’ve all been waiting for!!! The Reveal!

Fated A Timeless Series Novella Release Date: December 10, 2012 Available only on ebook at Special Offering December 11th, 12th & 13th   Callon, leader of a hidden race called the Timeless, receives a mysterious letter asking for help to protect a secret. Little does he know the secret’s called Cheyenne, a human close …

And the moment you’ve all been waiting for!!! The Reveal! Read More »