
My books, novels, novellas, short stories, release updates and general information about my work.

Cyber Monday Deals!

Hello, Timeless Fans! Just wanted to give you a Cyber Monday deal you won’t want to turn down! Starting today, you can buy the print copies of the published Timeless Series books for $12.99! That’s a $2.00 discount per book off the retail pricing, plus I’m autographing them before they ship! There are limited quantities, …

Cyber Monday Deals! Read More »

Who am I?

Who am I? I’m sure a lot of you are asking that question as you’re coming to my website. You see that I’m an author, but if you jump onto my Facebook Fan Page, you’ll find posts about DIY, funny meme’s, and updates about my books. I’m a creative person at heart, I always have …

Who am I? Read More »

October – Indie Author Month!

Did you know that October has been set aside as Indie Author Month and it isn’t just the Indie Author’s celebrating? It’s places like Amazon and the like too! Amazon even created a special landing page in honor of it! How cool is that? 

National Indie Author Day 10-8-16

Guess what’s just around the corner? The first Inaugural Indie Author Day on October 8, 2016, at libraries all across North America! They will be hosting author events with writers and other industry leaders.

The best day of the year!

Yup, you heard me right! It’s the best day of the year because it’s Remembrance’s release date! Some of you have been waiting since last June, others not so long, but waiting nonetheless, but all is perfect and right in the world now!