The Warning Signs…

There are days when there are warning signs, but you refuse to see them for whatever reasons. I’m here to give you at least four so you won’t make the same mistake…

Number One – When you video chat with your friend and they tell you you look like hell.

Number Two – When you’re at Starbucks because you’re feeling desperate and you leave your keys on the counter and walk off.

Number Three – When then barista serves you your caramel frappe and dumps it on the counter.

Number Four – When you arrive home that night and are getting ready for bed and realize that the entire day was spent wearing an item of your clothing inside out.

Yes, these are the signs that you should’ve never left the house and should’ve remain locked up inside your bedroom with your drapes closed and door shut. Maybe the family will have sympathy on you and slide food under the door… then again they’ll probably not remember your up there because that’s the kind of day you’re having….

If you can’t laugh at yourself once in a while, then who can you laugh at? =)


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